DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (CIMERA) is hosted by the Department of Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and co-hosted by the School of Geosciences at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). DSI-NRF CIMERA was launched on the 24th April 2014 by the National Research Foundation (NRF) section of the South African Department of Science and Technology (DSI). The CoE is funded by the (previous) Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the National Research Foundation (NRF), with contributions from the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand. CoE’s are mandated by the DSI to supplement funding through collaborative industry and internationally funded projects.
DSI-NRF CIMERA collaborating scientists are based at the Universities of Cape Town, Fort Hare, Free State, Johannesburg, Limpopo, Pretoria, Rhodes, Stellenbosch, Venda, Western Cape and Witwatersrand, as well as the Helmholtz Freiberg Institute for Resource Technology, Germany, University of Patras, Greece, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands and Akita University, Japan.
Thus, a diverse, collaborating, enabling environment for mineral and energy resource studies has been established. Access to globally competent facilities for geoscience research, and close co-operation between universities and other geoscience research institutions in South Africa and internationally, enables the participants under the DSI-NRF CIMERA umbrella to actively pursue world-class research. Further academic and industrial partners are actively being sought and welcomed.
The research focus of DSI-NRF CIMERA is especially relevant to South Africa because it represents the most valuable piece of mineral real estate in the world ranking top in resource concentrations of gold, chromium, manganese, fluorite, aluminosilicates, vanadium, zirconium and the platinum-group elements, in addition to hosting important world class deposits of iron, uranium, diamonds and coal.
However, it is also highly relevant to Africa as a whole because the continent is moving into a new era where the demand for utilization of its large resources of bulk commodities like iron, manganese and bauxite are rapidly rising, but sufficient knowledge to ensure long term economic viability of extraction is lacking.
To serve as a central hub for research and human resource development in mineral and energy resource analysis in Africa.HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT
The CoE intends to ensure a continued supply of highly trained mineral and energy resource analysts to ensure sustained development of the scientific and economic sectors of mineral and energy resource industries in South Africa and Africa as a whole.
Making available important information that relates to mineral and energy resources to policymakers and the community in general. This includes:
- Information pertaining to mineral and fossil fuel deposits that could be applied by policymakers to define future strategies and assist them in making informed decisions on the allocation of mineral rights and planning infrastructure development.
- Information regarding mineral and fossil fuel deposits that could potentially attract foreign investments.
- Information on mineral deposits and fossil fuel occurrences that are too small for large mining houses to be interested in them but would be ideal for the establishment of small mining operations by local communities. This would foster further development of the small-scale mining sector in South Africa.
- Making documents available to the public about mineral and fossil fuel resources that would enlighten them to understand the need for utilization of the resources but to also make clear their possible environmental impacts and how these can be prevented or minimized through careful scientific evaluation.
Mr Rowan Karstel
Affiliation: Variable
Role: Chair
Prof. Sarah Gravett
Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Role: Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Acting
Prof. Lynn Morris
Affiliation: University of the Witwatersrand
Role: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Prof. Nicola Wagner
Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Role: Centre of Excellence Director – ex officio
Prof. Judith Kinnaird
Affiliation: University of the Witwatersrand
Role: Centre of Excellence Co-Director – ex officio
Ms Gobona Lizzie Tau
Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Role: Centre of Excellence Manager – ex officio
Dr Makobetsa Khati
Affiliation: National Research Foundation
Role: Executive Director: Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence
Mr Nathan Sassman
Affiliation: National Research Foundation
Role: Director: Centres of Excellence
Mr Frank Mazibuko
Affiliation: National Research Foundation
Role: Professional Officer: Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence
Ms Malekgotla Finger
Affiliation: National Research Foundation
Role: Professional Officer: Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence
Dr Vusi Malele
Affiliation: Department of Science and Innovation
Role: Deputy Director: High-End Skills
Ms Mohale Setepane
Affiliation: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
Role: Director General
Prof. Dirk Frei
Affiliation: University of the Western Cape
Role: Professor in Applied Geology
Dr Deshenthree Chetty
Affiliation: Mintek
Role: Head of Research: Mineralogy Division
Dr Hielke Jelsma
Affiliation: Anglo-American
Role: Principal Geoscientist
Dr Mosa Mabuza
Affiliation: Council for Geoscience
Role: Council for Geoscience
Mr Victor Moyo
Affiliation: African Rainbow Minerals
Role: Manager – Geology
Mr Nevan Pillay
Affiliation: Vedanta Zinc International
Role: Head of Exploration
Ms Michelle Pienaar
Affiliation: Mandela Mining Precinct
Role: Programme Manager: Advanced Orebody Knowledge (AOK)
Prof. Marlina Elburg
Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Role: Head of Department – Geology Department
A/Prof. Grant Bybee
Affiliation: University of the Witwatersrand
Role: Head of Department – School of Geosciences
Prof. Grace Leung
Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Role: Senior Director – Postgraduate School
Dr Makobetsa Khati
Affiliation: National Research Foundation
Role: Executive Director: Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence
University of Johannesburg
Faculty of Science
Department of Geology
University of the Witwatersrand
University of Cape Town
University of Fort Hare
University of the Free State
University of Limpopo
University of Patras
University of Pretoria
University of Kwa-Zulu Natal
University of Venda
University of the Western Cape
Helmholtz Freiberg Institute for Resource Technology
Rhodes University
Stellenbosch University
Council for Geoscience (CGS)
TU Delft