Willem Kruger, a DSI-NRF CIMERA doctoral candidate studying at the University of the Witwatersrand under the supervision of Professor Rais Latypov, won an international award for the Best Student’s Oral Presentation at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA). Read more.

The SGA Meeting was held in Glasgow, UK, on the 27-30th August 2019, under the theme “Life with Ore Deposits on Earth”. Willem’s presentation was entitled: “Field and geochemical constraints on the origin of massive magnetite layers of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa”. The Bushveld Complex is unique and a major store-house of the mineral resources in South Africa, including the platinum group metals, chromium and vanadium that is contained in the magnetite layers in the upper part of the Complex. Willem’s study sheds new light on the origin of these economically important rocks. He will be completing his dissertation at the end of 2020. Congratulation and very well done, Willem!

Presentation of Student Awards during the Closing Ceremony of the 15th SGA Biennial Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Front row from left to right: Samvel Hovakimyan on behalf of Marion Grosjean – best poster presentation, Olga Plotinskaya on behalf of Olga Filimoniva – best poster presentation, Monica Ágreda López – best poster presentation, Alexandra Escobar on behalf of Sibele Nascimento – best oral presentation, Laura Petrella – best oral presentation, Willem Kruger – best oral presentation; second row from left to right (members of the Conference Student Committee): D. Holwell, P. Ledru, I. Pitcairn, D. Banks, J. Kolb and A. Vymazalová (Chair of the Committee). Photo by A. Boyce.