Manganese and Iron Ore Deposits
Focus Area 4
The major focus is on the characterization of the giant Kalahari Manganese Deposit and the high-grade Sishen-type iron ore deposits of the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape Province, with a secondary focus on manganese and iron ore deposits in other parts of Africa. These focus areas are coupled with studies on iron formations to gain a better understanding of the depositional settings of the ore protoliths, geochronology to understand the timing of metallogenesis and geometallurgical studies to ensure proper future utilization of the deposits, including low-grade ore resources.
South Africa is endowed with over 77% of the world’s on-land manganese resources in the Kalahari Manganese Field (KMF) and significant high-grade iron ore deposits of the Sishen-Postmasburg area in the Northern Cape Province. These ferrous metals are used in the production of the steel used in infrastructure construction and are thus indispensable in the modern world. On-going studies in the DSI-NRF CIMERA are all geared to better understand the origin, controls on ore grade, and geometallurgical properties of the iron and manganese ore bodies. This will lead to improved exploration efficiencies as well as better mining and processing of the ores.
Current Research:
- Predictive geometallurgical modelling for strata-bound ore deposits
Ass. Prof. Bertus Smith - Impact of the Great Oxidation Event on South African marine basins
Dr Rosalie Tostevin - Reassessing the genetic model for high grade manganese ore in the northern Kalahari manganese field
Dr Rosalie Tostevin