Dr Russell Bailie
Career summary
My undergraduate studies were at the University of the Witwatersrand (1992-1995) for which I was awarded best student in geology for my second and third year (1993, 1994). After completing a Masters degree at the University of the Witwatersrand (1996-1997) examining granites and related mineralisation of the southeastern Bushveld Complex, I joined the Council for Geoscience (CGS) for a year and a half (1998-1999).
I then commenced a doctorate degree at the University of Cape Town (UCT) (2000-2003) but this was not awarded. A PhD degree was done at the University of Johannesburg (2004-2007, part-time 2008). Subsequently I worked for two exploration consulting companies (Caracle Creek International Consulting (CCIC) and MSA Geoservices)(2007-2008) before commencing my academic career as a senior lecturer in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of the Western Cape (UWC)(2009-present). I lecture mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, geochemistry and regional Africa Geology. I have received an Y2 (young, promising scientist) rating from South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) (2013-2018) as well as UWC Senate Research funding (2017-2019). My research interests include tectonism, evolution and development of the Namaqua Metamorphic Province, magmatic rock petrogenesis and emplacement mechanisms, and base and precious metal mineralization in terms of origins and characteristics.
- 2004-2007 PhD – University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1996-1997 MSc (Geology) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1995 BSc (Honours, Geology) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1992-1994 BSc (Geology and Chemistry) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 2009-present Senior lecturer – University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
- 2007-2008 Exploration geologist – MSA Geoservices, Johannesburg / Mokopane, South Africa
- 2007 Junior exploration geologist – Caracle Creek International Consulting (CCIC), Johannesburg / Rustenburg, South Africa
- 2004-2007 PhD – University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1999-2003 PhD (unsuccessful) – University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
- 1998-1999 Scientific officer – Council for Geoscience (CGS), Pretoria, South Africa
- 1996-1997 MSc (Geology) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1995 BSc (Honours, Geology) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 1992-1994 BSc (Geology and Chemistry) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Google Scholar Citations (GSC) Data:
- Total number of publications: 28
- Sum of the times cited (GSC): 252
- h-index (Google Scholar): 10
- i10-index: 11
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6119-1563
- Grants and scholarships
- South African National Research Foundation (NRF) Y-rated researcher grant (2013-2018)
- NRF grant for 2015: Research development grants for Y-rated researchers
- University of the Western Cape Senate Research funds (2017-2019)
Teaching and training
Oct 2005 – Oct 2006 University of Johannesburg – Introductory geology, mineralogy and economic geology to metallurgy students
UWC undergraduate:
1st years: ESC111 – geological field trips, mineralogy
2nd years: APG232 – geochemistry and mineralogy, APG233 – intermediate undergraduate field trip
3rd years: APG321 – igneous and metamorphic petrology, economic geology, APG322 – senior undergraduate geology field trip
UWC postgraduate:
Honours: APG721 – ore deposit modelling, African Geology, Advanced geology mapping and mine field trips; APG709 – Honours research project supervision
Student supervision
Master of Science (MSc):
Principal supervisor: 5 (graduated), 5 (current); Co-supervisor: 6 (graduated), 1 (current)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD):
Principal supervisor: 2 (current, 1 completed); Co-supervisor: 1 (current)
Administrative duties and memberships
- Member of the Geological Society of South Africa, 2007-2010, 2012-2019
- Author of “Media Monitor” in Geobulletin, the quarterly magazine of the Geological Society of South Africa, early 1999 – end 2002.
- University of the Western Cape representative on the committee of the Western Cape Branch of the Geological Society of South Africa: 2010-2019
- Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG): 2013-2015
External and other academic activities
- Visiting researcher, Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES), Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.), Australia, 30th July – 16th September 2004 and 4th – 24th November 2006.
- Reviewed 19 articles published in such journals as Ore Geology Reviews, Precambrian Research, Economic Geology, Geoscience Frontiers, Lithos, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, and Chemical Geology
- Examiner for eight Masters theses, two Masters mini-theses and one PhD thesis
- External examiner for University of Cape Town (UCT) junior undergraduate Introduction to Earth Sciences examinations (GEO1009F) – 2018-2020; external examiner for senior undergraduate and Honours modules, Stellenbosch University – 2020