Associate Professor Paul Nex

Paul Nex is Associate Professor of Economic Geology at the University of the Witwatersrand. He graduated in 1991 from Oxford Polytechnic with a BSc. (Hons.) in Earth Sciences. He obtained his PhD from University College Cork (Ireland) in 1997 after research on uranium mineralization in granitic sheets in the Central Zone of the Damara Orogen, Namibia. After two years working in the petroleum industry as an MWD engineer he came out to South Africa to undertake post-doctoral research with Grant Cawthorn on the Bushveld Complex. From 2003-2007 Paul was a research fellow at the School of Geosciences undertaking research on the Platreef in collaboration with Anglo Platinum. For the last 7 years, until the beginning of this year, Paul was Senior Geologist at Umbono Financial Services, responsible for exploration oversight, targeting and evaluation of a wide range of mineral deposits, particularly critical metals and rare-earth elements. His main research interests are critical metal deposits, post-collisional Proterozoic mineralization with a focus on granitic pegmatites and also mineralization processes within the Bushveld Complex.


Book chapters:


Kinnaird, J.A., & Nex, P.A.M. 2004 Geological Setting In: O’Brien (Ed.) Ross Island: Mining, metal and society in early Ireland. Bronze Age Studies 6, Department of Archaeology, National University of Ireland, Galway. 23-64.



  1. Sharman, E.R., Penniston-Dorland, S.C., Kinnaird, J.A., Nex, P.A., Brown, M., & Wing, B.A. (2013) Elucidation of multiple contamination events in Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization: Δ33S evidence from the Platreef, Bushveld, South Africa. Economic Geology 108 365-377.
  2. Longridge, L., Gibson, R. & Nex, P.A.M. 2009 Structural controls on migmatite development related to diapiric fold formation in the contact aureole of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 100 61-76.
  3. Penniston-Dorland, S.C., Wing, B.A., Nex, P.A.M., Kinnaird, J.A., Farquhar, J., Brown, M., & Sharman, E.R. 2008 Multiple sulphur isotopes reveal a magmatic origin for the Platreef PGE deposit, Bushveld Complex, South Africa.Geology 36 979-982.
  4. Kinnaird, J.A., & Nex, P.A.M. 2007A review of geological controls on uranium mineralisation in sheeted leucogranites within the Damara Orogen, Namibia. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 116B68-B85.
  5. Nex, P.A.M. 2005 The structural setting of mineralization on Tweefontein Hill, northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 114 B23-B251


  1. 37th AGM Mineral Deposit Studies Group, Oxford, UK 6-7th January 2014. Kinnaird, J.A., & Nex, P.A.M. Platinum: a critical metal, a critical supply.
  2. 37th AGM Mineral Deposit Studies Group, Oxford, UK 6-7th January 2014. Nex, P.A.M., & Venter, P.J. Antimony, one of Europe’s most critical metals?
  3. Workshop on Antimony, Berlin 6th June 2013, German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), (invited talk). Nex, P.A.M. World class antimony deposits, South Africa and Spain.
  4. 6th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, New Hampshire, USA. 27-30th May 2013 (Invited talk) Kinnaird, J.A., Nex, P.A.MPan-African pegmatites – possibly the best pegmatites in the world.
  5. 6th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, New Hampshire, USA. 27-30th May 2013 Ashworth, L., Kinnaird, J.A., Nex, P.A.MUnravelling the fluid evolution of mineralized pegmatites in Namibia.
  6. IQPC Rare Earths & Minor Metals Conference, Johannesburg October 2012 (invited talk). Nex, P.A.M. What investors want: (A geological Perspective).