Professor Jason Samuel Ogola
Jason Samuel Ogola is a Professor of Economic Geology/Mining Geology. He has had long working experience of over 30 years at the tertiary level. He worked initially as a Tutorial Fellow at the People’s University in Moscow (1980-1984) then at the University of Nairobi from the position of Lecturer to Associate Professor (1985-2000) and at University of Venda as Professor ( 2000-2012) and now as Professor Emeritus (from January 2013). His research work is quite broad, from mineral exploration focusing on gold-sulphide and fluorite mineralisation to mining impacts with emphasis on tailings dams and waste rock dumps. He has also conducted some work on municipal and hospital solid wastes, looking at the dispersion and distribution of heavy metals from such wastes. From the 1990s to-date, he has been active in the area of climate change, hence the publication of a book “Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Kenya (1997).”
He has to his credit over 40 publications in refereed journals, refereed conference proceedings and book chapters and has presented about 80 papers at national and international conferences. Since 2004, he has supervised and graduated over 100 honours, 13 masters and 2 Ph.Ds and he is currently supervising 4 master students and 2 Ph.D. candidates. He has had wide collaboration with professional colleagues from Wits University; University of Cape Town; St. Andrews University (Britain); Colorado School of Mines (USA); University of Goettingen, Technical University of Clausthal and University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany) as well as Water Research Commission (WRC), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Council for Geoscience (CGS), Pulles Howard & De Lange Pty (Johannesburg), Department of Minerals and Energy/ Mineral Resources.
Most of the collaborations were based on national or international joint projects involving the training of postgraduates, for example, the Germany/South African Collaboration in Science and Technology Project with Prof. Dr. Eng. Klaus Maas (Hochshule Ostwesfalen-Lippe, Germany) where 5 German and 2 South African masters and Ph.D. had exchange programmes. Some of these collaborations are active to-date.
Prof. Ogola has actively participated in academic leadership and development. At the University of Venda, he managed to set-up a new Department of Mining and Environmental Geology from 2000 and developed new programmes and qualifications at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (Masters and Ph.D.); developed new undergraduate course in Medical Geology (2001) and Mine Water Management (2003) at 2nd and 3rd levels; and developed Diploma in Mining Impacts and Post-Mining Rehabilitation (2001). He was Dean, School of Environmental Sciences (2003-2012); Head of Department of Mining and Environmental Geology (2000-2003); Member of Senate and its Committees: Senate Executive Committee (SENEX) , Academic Planning Committee (APC), Research and Publications Committee (RPC), Academic Affairs Management/Academic Division Committee; Senior Management Committee (SMC); Task Team on Restructuring, Quality Assurance Board; Chairperson, School Committees: Higher Degrees, Teaching and Learning, Research Equipment, and Quality Assurance and Promotion Committees. Currently, as Professor Emeritus, apart from postgraduate training and supervision, he is in charge of University Special Projects that include the development of 4 engineering programmes: Mining Engineering; Water and Environmental Engineering, Construction Technology Engineering and Agricultural Engineering as well as coordination of projects supported by the Construction Education & Training Authority (CETA) that include the development of a new degree programme: Bachelor of Engineering in Construction Technology, building of a new Laboratory/Workshop for the programme; and staff development.
- Chimuka, L. and Ogola, J.S. (accepted ). “Leading the way: Directions of municipal solid waste management in South Africa.” In Future Directions of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa, Africa Institute of South Africa, Chapt. 10.
- Diko, M. L., Ekosse, G.E. and Ogola, J.S. (in press). “Geology and emplacement of Duthuni and Zebediela Kaolins, Limpopo Province, South Africa.” Journal of Earth Science.
- Maas, K.; Ogola; J.S. and K. Matshusa, 2013. “Modeling the distribution pathways of trace metals from accumulated tailing sites – First results from an international project.” In Deutscher Markscheider-Verein e. V. (DMV) and Institut für Markscheidewesen, Bergschadenkunde und Geophysik im Bergbau (IFM), RWTH Aachen University (Eds): Proceedings to the XV International Congress of the International Society for Mine Surveying 2013, Aachen, Germany, Volume 1, p. 176-183. ISBN 978-3-86948-294-1.
- Obed, N.N., Ogola, J.S. and Maree, J., 2013. “Characterization of potential acid leachate from raw coal, discard coal and slimes from a colliery in the Witbank Coal field, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.” In: Brown, A.; Figueroa, L. & Wolkersdorfer, C.: Reliable Mine Water Technology, Vol II, pp.. 875 – 881; Denver, Colorado, USA, ISBN 978-615-79385-6.
Postgraduate Students:
- umbulani, H.R. (Ms) Topic “Detailed investigation of the geology, structural setting and copper-sulphide mineralization in the Musina area, Limpopo Mobile Belt, South Africa. ”
- Galako, R. Topic “Phytoremediation of heavy metals within tailings dams: A case study of the Giyani tailings dams, Limpopo Province.”
- Nemapate, N. Topic “Investigation of the occurrence and distribution of gold within the tailings dams in the Giyani greenstone belt, Limpopo Province, South Africa.”
- Mawila, E. (Ms) Topic“Coal Quality, Usage and Emissions in the Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo Province.”
- Ramukumba T. (Ms) Topic “Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of abandoned tailings dams from the Dominion and Elaten Slik Dams in Klerksdorp Goldfield, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa.”
- Mulaudzi, A. (UNISA) Topic “Investigation of the impacts of small-scale alluvial sand mining on the Mokolo River, Lephalale District, Limpopo Province.”
- Negota, N. Topic “Mineralogical evaluation of copper-bearing sludge samples from Palaborwa mine.”
- Shavhani, T. Topic “Stream sediments exploration of gold along the Klein Letaba.” River.”
- Makhuvha, L. “Strucutural control on coal occurrence at Groottegeluk coal deposit.”
- Maake, T. Topic “Geology and gold mineralization at Muila, Limpopo Province.”
- Netshisaulu, M.E. Topic “Exploration of Platreef at Mogalakwena platinum deposit.”