Professor Glen Nwaila

Glen Nwaila is the Director of the Wits Mining Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). Before joining Wits, Glen worked in the mining and consulting industries where he led teams of mining professionals and led audits in the mineral resources and extractive metallurgy. Glen is also a Visiting Professor at Uppsala University in Sweden under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Glen completed his PhD with Magna Cum Laude at the Würzburg University in Germany. He is the University of Cape Town (UCT) Minerals to Metals Alumni and completed his MSc in Chemical Engineering at UCT. He currently serves as one of the 35 IGC Legacy Fund’s Board Members and on the South African Journal of Geology editorial board. Glen has published over 35 peer-reviewed papers, 5 book chapters and 60 conference abstracts. Having worked in surface and underground mining operations, Glen’s work focuses on developing technology and skills to enable the 21st Century digital transformation and sustainable mining model, risk analysis and management in mining projects and mineral prospectivity mapping within the Geometallurgy realm. Glen has won several awards, including the South Africa Rising Star award and the Science Oscar Awards with his team at Wits, awarded by the NSTF-South32 under the “Data for Research” theme.



Selected peer-reviewed publications:

  1. Ghorbani, Y., Zhang, S.E., Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J.E. (2022) Review of Framework components for data-centric dry laboratories in the minerals industry : A path to science-and-technology-led innovation. The Extractive Industries and Society, 10. Published.
  2. Ghorbani, Y.G., Nwaila, G.T. (2020) Systematic framework toward a highly reliable and sustainable approach in metal accounting. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review https://doi. org/10.1080/08827508.2020.1784164.
  3. Ghorbani, Y.G., Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Hay, M.P. (2020) Repurposing legacy metallurgical data Part I: A move toward dry laboratories and data bank. Minerals Engineering 159, 106646. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106646.
  4. Ghorbani, Y.G., Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Hay, M.P. (2021) Repurposing legacy metallurgical data part II:  Case studies of plant performance optimisation and process simulation, Minerals Engineering 160,106667. mineng.2020.106667.
  5. Gibson, B.A.K.K., Nwaila, G.T., Petersen, J. (2021) Characterisation of a coarse synthetic silver ore as a model ore material for heap leaching research. Minerals Engineering 174, 1 December 2021, 107253.
  6. Nwaila, G.T., Becker, M., Ghorbani. Y., Petersen, J. (2013) A geometallurgical study of the Witwatersrand gold ore at Carletonville, South Africa. AusIMM Bulletin, 75- 83.
  7. Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J.E., Jinnah, Z., Frimmel, H.E. (2021) The significance of erosion channels on gold metallogeny in the Witwatersrand (South Africa): Evidence from the Carbon Leader Reef in the Carletonville goldfield. Economic Geology116 (2): 265–284.
  8. Nwaila, G.T., Durrheim, R.J., Jolayemi, O.O., Maselela, H.K. (2020) Significance of granite-greenstone terranes in the formation of Witwatersrand-type gold mineralisation—a case study of the Neoarchean Black Reef Formation, South Africa. Ore Geology Reviews 121. 103572. oregeorev.2020.103572.
  9. Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E. (2019) Highly siderophile elements in Archaean and Paleoproterozoic marine shales of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Mineralogy and Petrology 113 (3), 307– 327.
  10. Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E., Minter, W.E.L. (2017) Provenance and geochemical variations in shales of the Mesoarchean Witwatersrand Supergroup. The Journal of Geology 125 (4), 399–422.
  11. Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Tolmay, L.C.K., Durrheim, R.J.,  Ghorbani, Y. (2022). Review of the minerals industry in the era of digital transition: An energy-efficient and environmentally conscious approach. Resources policy, 78.
  12. Nwaila, G.T., Ghorbani, Y., Becker, M., Frimmel, H.E. (2020) Geometallurgical approach for implications of ore blending on cyanide leaching and adsorption behaviour of the Witwatersrand gold ores, South Africa. Natural Resources 29, 1007–1030 (2020).
  13. Nwaila, G.T., Ghorbani, Y., Zhang, S.E., Tolmay, L.C.K., Rose, D.H., Nwaila, P.C., Bourdeau, J.E., Frimmel, H.E. (2021) Valorisation of mine waste – Part II: Resource evaluation for consolidated and mineralised mine waste using the Central African Copperbelt as an example. Journal of Environmental Management 299. jenvman.2021.113553.
  14. Nwaila, G.T., Ghorbani, Y., Zhang, S.E., Tolmay, L.CK, Rose, D.H., Nwaila, P.C., Bourdeau, J.E., Frimmel, H.E., (2021) Valorisation of mine waste – Part I: Characteristics of, and sampling methodology for, consolidated mineralised tailings by using Witwatersrand gold mines (South Africa) as an example. Journal of Environmental Management 299. https://
  15. Nwaila, G.T., Manzi, M.S.D., Kirk, J., Maselela, H.K. (2019) Recycling palaeoplacer gold through mechanical and post-depositional mobilisation in the Neoarchean Black Reef Formation, South Africa. The Journal of Geology 127 (2), 137–166.
  16. Nwaila, G.T., Manzi, M.S.D., Zhang, S.E. et al. (2022) Constraints on the Geometry and Gold Distribution in the Black Reef Formation of South Africa Using 3D Reflection Seismic Data and Micro-X-ray Computed Tomography. Nat Resour Res 31, 1225–1244.
  17. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E. (2022) Spatial conditioning of machine learning algorithms for geoscience applications. The Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 16th Biennial Meeting, 28–31 March 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand. The critical role of minerals in the carbon-neutral future.
  18. Nwaila, G.T., Manzi, M.S.D., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E. et al. (2022) Constraints on the Geometry and Gold Distribution in the Black Reef Formation of South Africa Using 3D Reflection Seismic Data and Micro-X-ray Computed Tomography. Nat Resour Res 31, 1225–1244 (2022).
  19. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Ghorbani, Y., Carranza, E.J.M. (2022) Artificial intelligence-based anomaly detection of the Assen iron deposit in South Africa using remote sensing data from the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager. Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, 3, 71–85.
  20. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Negwangwatini, E., Rose, D.H., Burnett, M.,  Ghorbani, Y. (2022) Data-Driven Predictive Modeling of Lithofacies and Fe In-Situ Grade in the Assen Fe Ore Deposit of the Transvaal Supergroup (South Africa) and Implications on the Genesis of Banded Iron Formations. Natural Resources Research, 31(5), 2369–2395.
  21. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Frimmel, H.E. et al. (2020) Local and Target Exploration of Conglomerate-Hosted Gold Deposits Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of the Witwatersrand Gold Ores, South Africa. Nat Resour Res 29, 135–159 (2020).
  22. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Frimmel, H.E., Tolmay, L.C.K. (2021) Algorithmic optimisation of an underground mine plan. Natural Resources Research 30, 1175–1197. s11053-020-09772-7.
  23. Rachidi, N.R., Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E. et al. (2021) Assessing cobalt supply sustainability through production forecasting and implications for green energy policies. Resources Policy 74, 102423, ISSN 0301-4207.
  24. Sihoyiya, M., Manzi, M.S.D., Nwaila, G.T., et al., 2022. Seismic delineation of the gold-bearing structures in the South Rand goldfield (South Africa): A comparison of pre-stack time and depth migration approaches on legacy seismic data. Near Surface Geophysics.
  25. Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Nwaila, G.T., Corrigan, D. (2022) Towards a fully data-driven prospectivity mapping methodology: A case study of the Southeastern Churchill Province, Québec and Labrado. Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences 2, 128-147.
  26. Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Nwaila, G.T., Ghorbani, Y. (2022) Advanced geochemical exploration knowledge using machine learning: Prediction of unknown elemental concentrations and operational prioritisation of Re-analysis campaigns. Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, 3, 86–100.
  27. Zhang, S.E., Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J.E. et al. (2022) Application of Machine-Learning Algorithms to the Stratigraphic Correlation of Archean Shale Units Based on Lithogeochemistry. The Journal of Geology 129(6), 647-672.
  28. Zhang, S.E., Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J.E., Ashwal, L.D. 2021. Machine learning-based prediction of trace element concentrations using data from the Karoo large igneous province and its application in prospectivity mapping. Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences 2, 60-75, ISSN 2666-5441.
  29. Zhang, S.E., Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E., Tolmay, L.C.K. (2020) Integration of machine-learning algorithms with Gompertz curves and kriging to estimate resources in gold deposits. Natural Resources Research 30, 39–56 (2021).
  30. Zhang, S.E., Sehoole, L., Manzi, M.S.D., Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J. (2021) Use of novel 3D seismic technology and machine learning for pothole detection, characterisation, and classification – case study in the Bushveld Complex (South Africa). The Leading Edge 40 (2). 106–113.

Selected book chapters:

  1. Burnett, M., Zhang, S.E., Ghorbani, Y., Bourdeau, J.E., Steiner, B.M., Barnet, S.K., Nwaila, G.T. (2022) Chapter 2. Development of mineral supply and demand from 1950 to 2020:  Cold War and consumerism. In Yakovleva, N., Nickless, E. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks). Routledge, pp.602. ISBN-10: ‎ 0367429950.
  2. Durrheim, R.J., Manzi, M.S.D., Nwaila, G.T., Webb, S. (2022) Chapter 7. Exploring for deeply buried ore deposits. In Yakovleva, N., Nickless, E. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks). Routledge, pp.602. ISBN-10: ‎ 0367429950.
  3. Frimmel, H.E., Nwaila, G.T. (2020) Geologic evidence of syngenetic gold in the Witwatersrand Goldfields, South Africa. In Sillitoe, T., Goldfarb, R., Robert, F., Simmons, S. (eds.) Geology of the Major Gold Deposits and Provinces of the World, Soc. Econ. Geol., Littleton, Special Publication 23, pp. 645–668.
  4. Ghorbani Y., Nwaila G.T., Zhang S.E., Rosenkranz J. (2021) Rethinking Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Approaches to Ensure a Sustainable Supply of High-tech and Critical Raw Materials. In: Azimi G. et al. (eds) Rare Metal Technology 2021. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham.
  5. Nwaila, G.T. (2014) Characteristics of the Middelvlei reef, Witwatersrand Supergroup. In Pacey, A and Kocher, S. (Ed) From Magmatic to Hydrothermal: Mechanisms of Mineral Deposit Formation. South Africa Field Trip 15-27 June 2014. Imperial College London Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter.

Selected conference papers and abstracts:

  1. Gibson, B.A.K.K., Molifie, A., Nwaila, G.T., Ghorbani, Y., Ndlovu, S., Petersen, J. (2022) Application of magnetic and heavy liquid separation techniques as pre-treatment for platinum group mineral enrichment from flotation tailings. 8th International PGM Conference; 2–3 November 2022, Sun City, South Africa.
  2. Letanta, D., Nwaila, G.T., Dohm, C.E., Burnett, M., Tolmay, L. (2018) Sedimentological characteristics and gold distribution in the Middelvlei Reef, Witwatersrand Supergroup: Implications for estimating gold grade. GeoCongress, 18–20 July 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 288.
  3. Manzi, N., Durrheim, R.J., Nwaila, G.T., Hein, K., Frimmel, H.E., Gibson, R., King, N. (2018) 3D reflection seismic data constraints on the timing of faulting in the upper crust: implications for the origin of gold deposits in the Proterozoic Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly 2018, 7–12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  4. Maselela, H., Khumalo, T., Nwaila, G.T, Bybee, G., Manzi, M., Durrheim, R., Kirk, J. (2018) Evidence of local sourcing of gold and pyrite in the Black Reef Formation of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. GeoCongress, 18–20 July 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 253.
  5. Maselela, H.K., Nwaila, G.T., Bybee, G.M., Durrheim, R.J., Lehman, J. (2019) New constraints on the fluid composition of the Neoarchean Black Reef, South Africa. The SGA’s (Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits) 15th Biennial Meeting, the University of Glasgow.
  6. Nwaila, G.T., Bam, L., De Beer, F.C. (2013) Radiography of Dense Minerals in Rocks Using Micro-CT, 1st International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, 1 July 2013, Ghent University, Belgium.
  7. Nwaila, G.T., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Reid, D.L., Ghorbani, Y., Franzidis, J-P., De Beer, F.C., Aubrey, A.N. (2012) A process mineralogical study of gold at Kusasalethu mine, Carletonville goldfield, Mineral Processing Conference, 1-3 August 2012, Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Western Cape Branch.
  8. o            Nwaila, G.T., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Reid, D.L., Ghorbani, Y., Franzidis, J-P., De Beer, F.C., Bam, L. (2013) Investigation into the potential of Witwatersrand gold ore for heap leaching using X-ray CT and process mineralogy, Minerals to Metals Research Day, 7 November 2013, Cape Town.
  9. Nwaila, G.T., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Reid, D.L., Ghorbani, Y., Franzidis, J-P., De Beer, F.C., Bam, L. (2013) Application of X-ray CT and QEMSCAN in Process mineralogical study of gold: A Case study of the Witwatersrand gold ore, Radiography with Radiation conference, 23-24 September 2013, NECSA.
  10. , G.T., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Reid, D.L., Ghorbani, Y., Franzidis, J-P., De Beer, F.C., Bam, L. (2013) A Process mineralogical study of the Witwatersrand gold ore in Carletonville, South Africa, SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference, 6-8 August 2013, Cape Town.
  11. Nwaila, G.T., Becker, M., Reid, D.L. (2011) Mineralogical characterisation of the VCR and Elsburg gold reefs at Kusasalethu Mine, Carletonville. 8th annual International Geo- synthesis conference, 28 August-02 September 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.
  12. Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E., Gibson, R., Manzi, M., Durrheim, R. (2018) Chlorite as a proximity marker for alteration and Au mineralisation in marine shales of the Roodepoort Formation, Carletonville goldfield, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly 2019, 7–12 April 2018, Vienna, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, 16399-1.
  13. Nwaila, G.T., Frimmel, H.E., Minter, W.E.L., Beukes, N. (2015) Provenance of the Mesoarchean Witwatersrand Supergroup shales. In Andre-Mayer, A.-S. (Ed.) Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World, Proc. 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, 24-27 August 2015, Nancy, Univ. de Lorraine, France.
  14. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Bourdeau, J.E., Ghorbani, Y, Notole, V., Alex, S. (2022) Integration of data analytics and process mineralogy to unlock the value of low-grade ores in the Witwatersrand goldfields, South Africa. MEI Conferences. Process Mineralogy ’22, 2–4 November 2022. Sitjes, Spain.
  15. Nwaila, G.T., Zhang, S.E., Frimmel, H.E. (2019) Automated facies classification and gold grade prediction using machine learning algorithms. The SGA’s (Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits) 15th Biennial Meeting, the University of Glasgow, from 27-30 August 2019.
  16. Plaatjie, S., Manzi, M.S.D., Nwaila, G.T. (2022) A Statistical and Machine Learning Approach to Analysing Faults and Dykes at South Deep Gold Mine. Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition (NSG) 4th Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Belgrade. 10.3997/2214-4609.202220141.
  17. Stapley, T., Drennan, D., Tshibubudze, A., Nwaila, G.T., Bam, L.C., Kirk, J.D. (2019) Application of non-destructive, micro-focus X-ray computed tomographic analyses on the gold occurrence and distribution in drill-core samples. The SGA’s (Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits) 15th Biennial Meeting, the University of Glasgow, from 27-30 August 2019.
  18. Tau, S.B., Nwaila, G.T., Bybee, G., Durrheim, R. (2018) Comparison of the sulphide minerals within the Cu bearing ores of the Central African Copper belt deposit: Petrogenic implications for Kamoa deposit. GeoCongress, 18–20 July 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 259.
  19.  Zhang, S.E., Nwaila, G.T., Bourdeau, J.E. (2022) Predictive modelling of geochemical data and generalised anomaly detection. Mineral Prospectivity & Exploration Targeting (MinProXT) conference, 1–3 November 2022, Freiberg, Germany.